by Hillgreen | Dec 13, 2015 | Blog, General Health Tips
This recipe is actually based on a formula from an herbal classic (金匮要略 Jin Gui Yao Lue, Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet, by the famous herbalist 张仲景 Zhang Zhong Jing), in which is is called 当归生姜羊肉汤 Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang. The soup is warming, so...
by Hillgreen | Jan 26, 2014 | Blog, General Health Tips
Winter is the season of the “Kidney-Adrenal” energy system according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The TCM Kidney-Adrenals (not the same as your physical kidneys, please note) are the foundation of all life energy the body. So winter is a time to focus inward,...
by Hillgreen | Jan 26, 2014 | Blog, General Health Tips
NOTE: The info below is for general information only. It doesn’t replace a personalized assessment and a therapeutic food plan specific for your constitution (yin/yang, hot/cool, dry/moist, organ system balances, etc.). A more personalized Chinese medicine...
by Hillgreen | Jan 26, 2014 | Blog, General Health Tips
Winter-Warming Breakfast Cereal This quick breakfast can warm you from the inside out, strengthen the foundation of your body’s energy, and having you ready to face the cold weather outside! Chinese Medicine agrees with the adage that breakfast is the most...
by Hillgreen | Feb 20, 2013 | Blog, General Health Tips
As the temperatures continue to change suddenly, one of winter’s challenges is fending off the colds and flus that makes their rounds in our communities. Most people don’t realize how effective Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is for preventing and...