The Benefits of Acupuncture for Cancer Patients

by | May 29, 2019 | Blog, Cancer | 0 comments

Whether it’s surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a stem cell transplant, many patients can attest to the fact that cancer treatment is extremely emotionally and physically draining. In some cases, the pain and discomfort you feel from the treatment can be worse than the symptoms of the actual disease itself. When used in conjunction with conventional treatment methods, acupuncture has been known to effectively ease some of the symptoms associated with cancer treatment. Acupuncture is by no means meant to replace medications or other treatments, but an increasing number of medical professionals are recommending that patients use it in tandem with their ongoing cancer treatment.

With that in mind, here are just some of the many benefits of providing acupuncture for cancer patients in Toronto.


Helps Improve Quality of Life During Chemotherapy


Acupuncture is a form of holistic traditional Chinese medicine that has the power to improve your overall quality of life no matter what type of cancer treatment you’re enduring. It can give you a sense of mental and physical well-being and reduce the physical and emotional symptoms of undergoing cancer treatment. When effectively combined with cancer treatments like chemotherapy, acupuncture also has the potential to strengthen the treatment and even accelerate your recovery, making you feel more vibrant and energetic.


Helps Reduce Chemotherapy Side Effects


Dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy can be difficult, especially when you’re contending with more than one at a time. Side effects typically include minimal to the extreme pain, physical discomfort, neuropathy (nerve damage), nausea, vomiting, fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, and so on. While acupuncture treatment doesn’t claim to completely relieve all of these side effects, it can certainly help lessen their impact. Many cancer patients have seen tremendous improvements in their mental and physical functions after a few acupuncture sessions.


Promotes Stress Management


Watching a loved one undergo cancer treatment or even having to do it yourself can be extremely stressful and scary. The healing and restorative nature of acupuncture can help you manage and even alleviate some of the stress you’re feeling. Cancer patients who’ve tried acupuncture treatment have reported reduced stress levels, feeling calmer, improved mental alertness, and being more mentally stable than they were before.


Better Quality of Sleep


Cancer and the treatments associated with it can negatively impact the amount and quality of sleep you get. Since acupuncture has a naturally calming effect on people, it can also help improve the overall quality of your sleep. With fewer restless nights spent tossing and turning, you’ll feel more energized and ready to continue fighting the good fight.


Continued Immune, Physical, Mental, and Emotional Support


As mentioned, acupuncture isn’t a replacement treatment method for cancer patients. But it does serve an important purpose of supporting the immune system, while also promoting optimal emotional, physical, and mental health within cancer patients.


If you’re still not sure about the benefits of undergoing acupuncture treatment alongside your other cancer treatments, then feel free to book a free consultation at Oncology Acupuncture Toronto. Founded by Pauline Sok Yin Hwang, an Ontario-licensed Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP) and Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.), Oncology Acupuncture Toronto seeks to provide support for people undergoing cancer treatment, recovery, and prevention by using acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, cupping, acupressure and mindfulness meditation.