FREE Online Workshop on Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer

by | Oct 20, 2020 | Cancer, News | 0 comments

You and your loved ones are welcome to join a FREE workshop introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its lessons for cancer care and recovery. The talk will include lessons for any stage or type of cancer, including prevention, active treatment, or maintenance care.

You will learn about:

  • What TCM is and how it is used in hospitals and cancer centres around the world.
  • The view of cancer in TCM, and what we can all learn from it.
  • How we can all use TCM self-care, acupressure, diet, meditation and other therapies.

To create a safe space, this workshop is limited to people going through cancer treatment or recovery, and their supportive loved ones.

Presenter: Pauline Sok Yin Hwang, Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP) and the founder of Hillgreen Oncology Acupuncture & Herbs. She has completed a Master’s degree in Medicine focused on Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience (McGill University), and diplomas in both Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She works out of the Marsden Centre for Excellence in Integrative Medicine, one of the leading naturopathic oncology clinics in Canada, and out of Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine. Pauline also has many years of experience facilitating workshops that participants of diverse backgrounds enjoy.

Hosted by: The charitable cancer support centre Wellspring Chinguacousy and Hillgreen Oncology Acupuncture & Herbs.

Location: Zoom. A link will be sent out on the day of the event to your email.

Date:Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:30 to 8 pm.

Cost: FREE

Register: Click Here