COVID-19 Update

by | Mar 24, 2020 | News

COVID-19 UPDATE: Please read this entire page as it contains important information



In-person services are now allowed to resume.

Phone/online sessions are available for both local & remote patients

Hi there! If you’re on this page, that means you’re a prospective patient interested in a Free Initial Consultation at Oncology Acupuncture Toronto. (If you’re already a patient, and you’re looking for our online booking page, no worries, just click here to go to that page now).


Are you open and seeing new patients?

YES we now are!

We made the decision in mid-March to suspend all in-person services, to help “flatten the curve” of coronavirus infections in Ontario.

But all through that time, we stayed very active in supporting patients needing essential care through our phone/online services.

We’ve now been given the go-ahead by the Ministry of Health to gradually resume in-person services. We will do this carefully and slowly to ensure the safety of our patients and staff, and to contribute to public health efforts against the spread of COVID-19. Please click here for details on everything we’re doing to keep patients and staff safe.


What Is an Online Initial Consultation?

At Oncology Acupuncture Toronto, we’ve been doing online consultations for both local and long-distance patients for many years.

An “Online Initial Consultation” is an initial consultation just like the ones we always do for new patients, except instead of taking place at the clinic, it takes place over a secure, face-to-face video conference (phone is okay instead for those who don’t have access to online chat).

In this 15 minute conversation, you can find out more about our services and practitioners, and whether or not we can help you in your health and wellness goals. There is no obligation to book afterward.


Are Online Initial Consultations Secure?

Absolutely. Our video-conferencing service uses the highest grade encryption to secure the communication channel. And, they are in compliance with all federal patient privacy protection laws.


Why Do An Online Initial Consultation?

At Oncology Acupuncture Toronto, patient safety is our primary concern. Research shows that when people are in a small indoor room and talking together for a long time, the risk of COVID-19 transmission is higher.  By doing the initial consultation by phone/online, we reduce this risk significantly.


Can I Get Started With Treatment Now?

At our free initial consultation, we will discuss what your options are at this time. Options might include:

1) Doing most of your sessions by phone/online, as we feel it would still benefit you, and would minimize your risk.

2) Combining a number of in-person sessions with phone/online sessions, at a frequency your practitioner will suggest, or

3) Doing all your sessions in person, as you and your practitioner have determined this is what would be best for your health.


What Is Included With My Treatment Plan?

Treatment plans incorporate precise and efficient therapeutic herbal protocols, along with our proven, results-focused, trusted guidance on dietary therapy, lifestyle habits, mind-body stress reduction practices, self-acupressure, acupuncture and bodywork sessions, and exercises you can do anywhere, anytime from home.


So, there’s a LOT we can do to get things going on a positive track for you!

How Do I Get Started?

Simple! Just click the button below and fill out the form on the page that follows, and we’ll be in touch within one business day to get your free consultation scheduled.



Pauline and the rest of the Oncology Acupuncture Toronto staff


Your initial consultation is free. Come meet us in person and learn more.

Or, just call 416-890-7770 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about:  Our Philosophy | Our Amazing StaffOur Approach to Cancer Support | Our Approach to General Health and Wellness | Frequently Asked Questions