Hillgreen founder publishes journal article on ‘Chinese Herbal Medicine for Oncology

by | Mar 19, 2024 | Blog, Cancer, For Health Professionals, News

Attention herbal medicine fans and all health care providers working with cancer patients! Check out this article by Hillgreen’s founder, Pauline Sok Yin Hwang published last fall in the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild.

Titled “Chinese Herbal Medicine for Oncology,” Pauline’s article explores perspectives in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for cancer care.

First, she looks at the role of herbalists in cancer care, from a harm-reduction and patient-centred point of view. She then introduces the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Oncology, the TCM theory of cancer development, and approaches to diagnosis and creating herbal formulas for cancer patients at different stages or phases of conventional treatment.

The article concludes with examples of specific herbal strategies for different problems faced by those going through cancer.

Link to full article: https://hillgreen.ca/JAHG

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