FREE WEBINAR: Intro to Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer Support (April 4, 2022)

by | Mar 17, 2022 | Cancer, News | 0 comments

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A recording of Pauline’s webinar is publicly available here: 

Are you in cancer treatment or recovery? Heard about Chinese herbs like Reishi or Ginseng? Curious about acupuncture? Don’t know if it’s all just hocus pocus, or if it could really help? 

You’re invited to a FREE webinar introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer Support. The talk will cover:

  • What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? What is TCM Oncology?
  • How is TCM Oncology used in hospitals and cancer centres around the world?
  • TCM view of health and disease: treating the whole person
  • The four factors of cancer development according to TCM

Date:  Monday, April 4, 2022, 7 to 8 pm Eastern time
Location:  Zoom, presented live with questions and answers
Register: Sign up below to get the Zoom link emailed to you.

Presenter: Pauline Sok Yin Hwang, Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Registered Acupuncturist (R.TCMP, R.Ac). Pauline uses acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, self-acupressure and meditation to work with people facing cancer and other complex conditions. In addition to her Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture diplomas, she also earned a 3-year Master’s Degree in TCM Oncology (focused on breast cancer) from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and an Honours Bachelor in Cognitive Neuroscience from McGill University. The founder of Hillgreen Oncology Acupuncture & Herbs, she has been active in community health for over 20 years, and is passionate about providing 2SLGBTQ+ positive, trauma-informed, accessible health care.

For more information on Pauline, click here.

Hosts:  The workshop is hosted by the charitable cancer support centre Wellspring Chinguacousy in partnership with Hillgreen Oncology Acupuncture & Herbs and the Marsden Centre for Excellence in Integrative Medicine.

Fee:  FREE! However, donations toward Wellspring’s charitable cancer support programs (all offered free to cancer patients) are welcome. To donate to Wellspring online, click here.

For more information: On Hillgreen’s clinical services, including our free 15 minute consultations for new patients, please see

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