
Chinese Herbs for Cancer: Journal article

Chinese Herbs for Cancer: Journal article

Interested in the use of Chinese herbs for cancer?  Check out this article by Hillgreen’s founder, Pauline Sok Yin Hwang published last fall in the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild. Titled “"Chinese Herbal Medicine for Oncology" (PDF), Pauline’s article...

Natural Remedies for Constipation

Natural Remedies for Constipation

It's amazing how many people haven't heard of these simple natural remedies for constipation. I talk about bowel movements a lot in my job. No one wants to. It’s very taboo! But how we digest and eliminate tells a lot about the body. It has a big impact on our ability...

Black History Month 2022

We were slow to publish this newsletter, but Black History Month was in February, with a special 2022 theme of "Black Health and Wellness". We want to highlight the leadership of the Black community in spreading acupuncture in North America. Many acupuncture fans...