Self-Care for the Summer of COVID-19

Self-Care for the Summer of COVID-19

By Pauline Sok Yin Hwang, R.Ac R.TCMP One of my fondest memories of Taiwan is sitting down with a friend to read a Chinese version of the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine (Huang Di Nei Jing). Her knowledge of ancient Chinese was much better than mine, while...
5 Benefits of Acupuncture in Cancer Care 

5 Benefits of Acupuncture in Cancer Care 

Acupuncture is an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine—one that’s been practiced for thousands of years. Despite the many evolutions and iterations of acupuncture over the years, one thing has always remained true from the beginning—the healing properties of...
Chemotherapy Support and Side Effect Relief

Chemotherapy Support and Side Effect Relief

Are you dreading chemotherapy?  Worried about chemo side effects, such as nausea and vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, hair loss, and more?  Chemotherapy horror stories are easy to find on the internet, but don’t worry – there’s a lot that acupuncture...
4 Common Myths about Chinese Medicine for Cancer 

4 Common Myths about Chinese Medicine for Cancer 

Although Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for over 5,000 years in most Asian countries, it’s only recently started entering the western consciousness as a viable treatment method for various physical and mental ailments. When many people think of...