Winter recipe: Lamb Angelica Soup

Winter recipe: Lamb Angelica Soup

This recipe is actually based on a formula from an herbal classic (金匮要略 Jin Gui Yao Lue, Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet, by the famous herbalist 张仲景 Zhang Zhong Jing), in which is is called 当归生姜羊肉汤 Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang. The soup is warming, so...
TCM in mainland China and Taiwan

TCM in mainland China and Taiwan

I’m still new to the wide, exciting world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in mainland China and Taiwan, but am sharing my brief impressions here. One reason is that acupuncture and Chinese herbs are so marginal in Turtle Island (i.e. North America), that...
CLINIC UPDATE: Going Deeper with Chinese Medicine

CLINIC UPDATE: Going Deeper with Chinese Medicine

My apologies for being so out of touch during my sabbatical year in Taiwan! The time flew by quickly and I hope you have been well. New news: I have been accepted for a full grant towards three years of Master’s studies at the Nanjing University of Chinese...