by Hillgreen | Apr 18, 2019 | Blog, Cancer, News
FREE WORKSHOP! Tuesday May 28, 2019. 6:30 to 8:30 pm. This workshop will focus on skills for managing stress and anxiety. We’ll explore the Traditional Chinese Medicine view how our stress connects with physical symptoms, especially cancer. We’ll learn...
by Hillgreen | Mar 6, 2019 | Blog, Cancer, News
This FREE presentation will focus on the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) view of breast cancer. TCM is a system of natural medicine and wellness that has been evolving for the past 3000 or more years. If you are a breast cancer patient, survivor or caregiver,...
by Hillgreen | Dec 11, 2018 | Blog, Cancer, News
You and your loved ones are welcome to join a FREE workshop introducing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its lessons for cancer care and recovery. The talk will include lessons for any stage or type of cancer, including prevention, active treatment, or...
by Hillgreen | Dec 8, 2018 | Blog, Cancer, For Health Professionals
I’ve always been impressed hearing Dr. Yang Yu Fei present her research at conferences in both China and North America. A series of studies her Beijing-based team did, in partnership with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, has shown that colorectal cancer...
by Hillgreen | Nov 26, 2018 | Blog, Cancer, General Health Tips
Finding it hard to eat your cancer-fighting greens? Try this tasty broccoli recipe that pairs healthy veggies for an even stronger cancer-fighting effect! Instructions adapted from, and photo courtesy of, Rebecca Katz’s The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen. Note that I would...