Natural Remedies for Constipation

Natural Remedies for Constipation

It’s amazing how many people haven’t heard of these simple natural remedies for constipation. I talk about bowel movements a lot in my job. No one wants to. It’s very taboo! But how we digest and eliminate tells a lot about the body. It has a big impact on...
5 Winter Food Tips

5 Winter Food Tips

NOTE: The info below is for general information only. It doesn’t replace a personalized assessment and a therapeutic food plan specific for your constitution (yin/yang, hot/cool, dry/moist, organ system balances, etc.).  A more personalized Chinese medicine...
5 Food Tips for Stress and Anxiety

5 Food Tips for Stress and Anxiety

1) It’s not just WHAT we eat, but HOW.  Many of us rush around trying to meet obligations and deadlines, and a strict diet can definitely become one more stressor, one more thing to be hard on ourselves for. Step One can be just scheduling in enough time to sit...